High voltage insulation megohmmeter is composed of medium and large scale integrated circuits. This meter has large output power high short-circuit current value and large output voltage grades (there are four voltage grades). The working principle is as follows: the DC high voltage generated by the battery inside the machine as power supply and converted by DC/DC reaches the L pole from the E pole by the tested product so as to generate a current from E to L pole. After I/V conversion and operation by the divider the measured insulation resistance value is directly displayed by LCD.
Technical Parameters#65306;
Working Conditions environment temperature#65306;0#8451;#65374;+45#8451; relative humidity#65306;#8804;85%RH output voltage level 500V#65292;1000V#65292;2000V#65292;2500V measurement range 0#65374;19990M#937; Resolution 0.01M#937;#65292;0.1M#937;#65292;1.0M#937;#65292;10.0M#937; relative error 0#65374;2000M#937;#8804;±5%±2d
Voltage/load 2500V/20M#937; Voltage drop about10% short-circuit current #65310;1.6mA direct current 8×1.5V(AA#65292;R6)battery alternating current 220V/50Hz Power quiescent dissipation#8804;160mW#65307;maximum power#8804;2.5W volume 235×200×135mm3 Weight #65308;1.4kg